
A bursa is a closed fluid-filled sac that functions to provide a gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. When the bursa becomes inflamed, the condition is known as "bursitis." Most commonly this is not an infectious condition (aseptic bursitis). When the bursa is infected with bacteria, the condition is called septic bursitis.
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A closed sac or envelope lined with synovial membrane and containing fluid, usually found or formed in areas subject to friction; e.g., over an exposed or prominent body part or where a tendon passes over a bone. [Mediev. L., a purse]
- Achilles b. SYN: b. of tendo calcaneus.
- b. achillis SYN: b. of tendo calcaneus.
- b. of acromion SYN: subcutaneous acromial b..
- adventitious b. a b.-like cyst formed between two parts as a result of friction.
- b. anserina [TA] SYN: anserine b..
- anserine b. [TA] the b. between the tibial collateral ligament of the knee joint and the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles. SYN: b. anserina [TA], tibial intertendinous b..
- anterior tibial b. SYN: subtendinous b. of tibialis anterior.
- bicipitoradial b. [TA] the b. between the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle and the anterior part of the tuberosity of the radius. SYN: b. bicipitoradialis [TA].
- b. bicipitoradialis [TA] SYN: bicipitoradial b..
- Boyer b. SYN: retrohyoid b..
- Brodie b. 1. medial subtendinous b. of gastrocnemius muscle; 2. SYN: semimembranous b..
- b. of calcaneal tendon b. of tendo calcaneus.
- Calori b. a b. between the arch of the aorta and the trachea.
- coracobrachial b. [TA] a b. frequently present between the tendon of the coracobrachialis and the subscapularis muscle. SYN: b. musculi coracobrachialis [TA], subcoracoid b..
- b. cubitalis interossea [TA] SYN: interosseous cubital b..
- deep infrapatellar b. [TA] the b. between the upper part of the tibia and the patellar ligament. SYN: b. infrapatellaris profunda [TA].
- b. of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle the b. between the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the base of the third metacarpal. SYN: b. musculi extensoris carpi radialis brevis.
- b. fabricii the b. of Fabricius in poultry, a blind saclike structure located on the posterodorsal wall of the cloaca; it performs a thymuslike function. SYN: b. of Fabricius.
- b. of Fabricius SYN: b. fabricii.
- Fleischmann b. SYN: sublingual b..
- b. of gastrocnemius SYN: subtendinous bursae of gastrocnemius (muscle).
- bursae of gastrocnemius SYN: subtendinous bursae of gastrocnemius (muscle).
- gluteus medius bursae SYN: trochanteric bursae of gluteus medius.
- gluteus minimus b. SYN: trochanteric bursae of gluteus minimus.
- b. of great toe the b. between the lateral side of the base of the first metatarsal bone and the medial side of the shaft of the second metatarsal.
- b. of hyoid SYN: retrohyoid b..
- iliac b. SYN: subtendinous b. of iliacus.
- b. iliopectinea [TA] SYN: iliopectineal b..
- iliopectineal b. [TA] a large b. between the iliopsoas tendon and the iliopubic eminence. SYN: b. iliopectinea [TA].
- inferior subtendinous b. of biceps femoris [TA] the b. between the tendon of the biceps femoris and the fibular collateral ligament of the knee joint. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi bicipitis femoris inferior [TA].
- infracardiac b. a small serous sac sometimes present on the medial side of the base of the right lung in the embryo. SEE ALSO: pneumatoenteric recess, celomic bay.
- infrahyoid b. [TA] a b. sometimes found below the inferior margin of the body of the hyoid bone between the sternothyroid muscle and the median thyrohyoid membrane. SYN: b. infrahyoidea [TA].
- b. infrahyoidea [TA] SYN: infrahyoid b..
- b. infrapatellaris profunda [TA] SYN: deep infrapatellar b..
- infraspinatus b. SYN: subtendinous b. of infraspinatus.
- intermuscular gluteal b. [TA] two or three small bursae between the tendon of the gluteus maximus and the linea aspera. SYN: b. intermuscularis musculorum gluteorum [TA], gluteofemoral b..
- b. intermuscularis musculorum gluteorum [TA] SYN: intermuscular gluteal b..
- interosseous cubital b. [TA] an inconstant b. located between the tendon of the biceps and the ulna or the oblique cord. SYN: b. cubitalis interossea [TA], interosseous b. of elbow.
- b. intratendinea olecrani [TA] SYN: intratendinous olecranon b..
- intratendinous b. of elbow SYN: intratendinous olecranon b..
- intratendinous olecranon b. [TA] a b. sometimes present within the tendon of insertion of the triceps brachii. SYN: b. intratendinea olecrani [TA], b. of Monro, intratendinous b. of elbow.
- b. ischiadica musculi glutei maximi [TA] SYN: sciatic b. of gluteus maximus.
- b. ischiadica musculi obturatoris interni SYN: bursae of obturator internus (1).
- ischial b. SYN: sciatic b. of gluteus maximus.
- b. of latissimus dorsi SYN: subtendinous b. of latissimus dorsi.
- Luschka b. SYN: pharyngeal b..
- b. of Monro SYN: intratendinous olecranon b..
- b. mucosa SYN: synovial b..
- b. musculi bicipitis femoris superior [TA] SYN: superior b. of biceps femoris.
- b. musculi coracobrachialis [TA] SYN: coracobrachial b..
- b. musculi extensoris carpi radialis brevis SYN: b. of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle.
- b. musculi piriformis SYN: b. of piriformis.
- b. musculi semimembranosi SYN: semimembranous b..
- b. musculi tensoris veli palatini [TA] SYN: b. of tensor veli palatine.
- bursae of obturator internus 1. the large, constant sciatic b. of obturator internus between the obturator internus tendon and the lesser sciatic notch; SYN: b. ischiadica musculi obturatoris interni. 2. the subtendinous b. between the tendon of the obturator internus muscle and the capsule of the hip joint. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi obturatoris interni.
- omental b. [TA] an isolated portion of the peritoneal cavity lying dorsal to the stomach and extending craniad posterior to the liver and diaphragm and caudad into the greater omentum; it opens into the general peritoneal cavity at the omental foramen. SYN: b. omentalis [TA], lesser peritoneal cavity, lesser peritoneal sac, omental sac.
- b. omentalis [TA] SYN: omental b..
- ovarian b. the peritoneal recess between the medial aspect of the ovary and the mesosalpinx. SYN: b. ovarica.
- b. ovarica SYN: ovarian b..
- b. pharyngea SYN: pharyngeal b..
- pharyngeal b. a cystic notochordal remnant found inconstantly in the posterior wall of the nasopharynx at the lower end of the pharyngeal tonsil. SYN: b. pharyngea, Luschka b..
- b. of piriformis [TA] a small b. located between the tendons of the piriformis and superior gemellus and the femur. SYN: b. musculi piriformis.
- b. of popliteus SYN: subpopliteal recess.
- b. quadrati femoris between the anterior aspect of the quadratus femoris muscle and the lesser trochanter of the femur.
- radial b. SYN: tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus muscle.
- retrocalcaneal b. b. of tendo calcaneus.
- retrohyoid b. [TA] a b. between the posterior surface of the body of the hyoid bone and the thyrohyoid membrane. SYN: b. retrohyoidea [TA], Boyer b., b. of hyoid, subhyoid b..
- b. retrohyoidea [TA] SYN: retrohyoid b..
- rider's b. an adventitious b. on the inner side of the knee caused by horseback riding.
- sartorius bursae SYN: subtendinous b. of sartorius.
- sciatic b. of gluteus maximus [TA] the b. between the gluteus maximus muscle and the tuberosity of the ischium. SYN: b. ischiadica musculi glutei maximi [TA], ischial b..
- semimembranous b. [TA] it lies between the muscle, the head of the gastrocnemius, and the knee joint. SYN: Brodie b. (2), b. musculi semimembranosi, b. of semimembranosus muscle.
- subacromial b. [TA] between the acromion and the capsule of the shoulder joint. SYN: b. subacromialis [TA].
- b. subacromialis [TA] SYN: subacromial b..
- subcoracoid b. SYN: coracobrachial b..
- b. subcutanea acromialis [TA] SYN: subcutaneous acromial b..
- b. subcutanea calcanea [TA] SYN: subcutaneous calcaneal b..
- b. subcutanea infrapatellaris [TA] SYN: subcutaneous infrapatellar b..
- b. subcutanea malleoli lateralis [TA] SYN: subcutaneous b. of lateral malleolus.
- b. subcutanea malleoli medialis [TA] SYN: subcutaneous b. of medial malleolus.
- b. subcutanea olecrani [TA] SYN: subcutaneous olecranon b..
- b. subcutanea prepatellaris SYN: subcutaneous prepatellar b..
- b. subcutanea prominentiae laryngeae [TA] SYN: subcutaneous b. of the laryngeal prominence.
- b. subcutanea trochanterica SYN: trochanteric b. (1).
- b. subcutanea tuberositatis tibiae SYN: subcutaneous b. of tuberosity of tibia.
- subcutaneous acromial b. [TA] the frequently occurring b. between the acromion and the skin. SYN: b. subcutanea acromialis [TA], b. of acromion.
- subcutaneous calcaneal b. [TA] a b. between the skin and the posterior surface of the calcaneus. SYN: b. subcutanea calcanea [TA].
- subcutaneous infrapatellar b. [TA] a b. between the patellar ligament and the skin. SYN: b. subcutanea infrapatellaris [TA].
- subcutaneous b. of the laryngeal prominence [TA] the b. located between the junction of the laminae of the thyroid cartilage and the skin. SYN: b. subcutanea prominentiae laryngeae [TA], laryngeal b..
- subcutaneous b. of lateral malleolus [TA] lateral malleolar b., the b. between the lateral malleolus and the skin. SYN: b. subcutanea malleoli lateralis [TA], lateral malleolar subcutaneous b., lateral malleolus b..
- subcutaneous b. of medial malleolus [TA] the b. between the medial malleolus and the skin. SYN: b. subcutanea malleoli medialis [TA], medial malleolar subcutaneous b..
- subcutaneous olecranon b. [TA] b. between the olecranon process of the ulna and the skin. SYN: b. subcutanea olecrani [TA], b. of olecranon.
- subcutaneous prepatellar b. [TA] a b. between the skin and the lower part of the patella. SYN: b. subcutanea prepatellaris, prepatellar b..
- subcutaneous b. of teres major [TA] b. under the tendon of the teres major near its attachment. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi teretis majoris [TA], b. of teres major.
- subcutaneous b. of tuberosity of tibia [TA] the b. located superficial to the tibial tuberosity, either subcutaneous or subfascial. SYN: b. subcutanea tuberositatis tibiae, subcutaneous b. of tibial tuberosity.
- subdeltoid b. [TA] the b. between the deltoid muscle and the capsule of the shoulder joint. It may be combined with the subacromial b.. SYN: b. subdeltoidea [TA].
- b. subdeltoidea [TA] SYN: subdeltoid b..
- b. subfascialis prepatellaris [TA] SYN: subfascial prepatellar b..
- subfascial prepatellar b. [TA] a commonly occurring b. between the fascia lata and the quadriceps tendon anterior to the patella. SYN: b. subfascialis prepatellaris [TA].
- subhyoid b. SYN: retrohyoid b..
- sublingual b. an inconstant serous b. at the level of the frenulum of the tongue between the surface of the genioglossus muscle and the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth. SYN: b. sublingualis, Fleischmann b..
- b. sublingualis SYN: sublingual b..
- subscapular b. SYN: subtendinous b. of subscapularis.
- b. subtendineae musculi gastrocnemii SYN: subtendinous bursae of gastrocnemius (muscle).
- bursae subtendineae musculi sartorii [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of sartorius.
- b. subtendinea iliaca [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of iliacus.
- b. subtendinea musculi bicipitis femoris inferior [TA] SYN: inferior subtendinous b. of biceps femoris.
- b. subtendinea musculi infraspinati [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of infraspinatus.
- b. subtendinea musculi latissimus dorsi [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of latissimus dorsi.
- b. subtendinea musculi obturatoris interni SYN: bursae of obturator internus (2).
- b. subtendinea musculi subscapularis [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of subscapularis.
- b. subtendinea musculi teretis majoris [TA] SYN: subcutaneous b. of teres major.
- b. subtendinea musculi tibialis anterioris [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of tibialis anterior.
- b. subtendinea musculi trapezii [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of trapezius.
- b. subtendinea musculi tricipitis brachii [TA] SYN: subtendinous b. of triceps brachii.
- b. subtendinea prepatellaris [TA] SYN: subtendinous prepatellar b..
- bursae subtendineae musculi gastrocnemii [TA] SYN: subtendinous bursae of gastrocnemius (muscle).
- subtendinous bursae of gastrocnemius (muscle) consist of a lateral and a medial [Brodie b. (1)] b. between the heads of the gastrocnemius and capsule of the knee joint. SYN: bursae subtendineae musculi gastrocnemii [TA], b. of gastrocnemius, b. subtendineae musculi gastrocnemii, bursae of gastrocnemius.
- subtendinous iliac b. SYN: subtendinous b. of iliacus.
- subtendinous b. of iliacus [TA] the b. at the attachment of the iliopsoas muscle into the lesser trochanter. SYN: b. subtendinea iliaca [TA], iliac b., subtendinous iliac b..
- subtendinous b. of infraspinatus [TA] the b. located between the tendon of the infraspinatus and the capsule of the shoulder joint. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi infraspinati [TA], infraspinatus b..
- subtendinous b. of latissimus dorsi [TA] a constant b. between the tendons of the teres major and the latissimus dorsi near their intersections. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi latissimus dorsi [TA], b. of latissimus dorsi.
- subtendinous prepatellar b. [TA] an inconstant b. between the tendon of the quadriceps and the patella. SYN: b. subtendinea prepatellaris [TA].
- subtendinous b. of sartorius [TA] bursae, sometimes separate from the anserine b., located between the tendons of the sartorius, semitendinosus, and gracilis muscles. SYN: bursae subtendineae musculi sartorii [TA], sartorius bursae.
- subtendinous b. of subscapularis [TA] b. between the tendon of the subscapularis muscle and the neck of the scapula; it communicates with the shoulder joint. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi subscapularis [TA], subscapular b..
- subtendinous b. of tibialis anterior the small b. between the medial surface of the medial cuneiform bone and the tendon of the tibialis anterior. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi tibialis anterioris [TA], anterior tibial b..
- subtendinous b. of trapezius [TA] a b. between the tendon of the trapezius muscle and the medial end of the scapular spine. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi trapezii [TA], b. of trapezius.
- subtendinous b. of triceps brachii [TA] the b. located deep to the tendon of the triceps brachii near its insertion on the olecranon. SYN: b. subtendinea musculi tricipitis brachii [TA], triceps b..
- superior b. of biceps femoris [TA] a b. frequently found between the tendon of the long head of the biceps femoris and the ischial tuberosity and the tendon of the semimembranosus. SYN: b. musculi bicipitis femoris superior [TA].
- suprapatellar b. [TA] a large b. between the lower part of the femur and the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. It usually communicates with the cavity of the knee joint and is pathologically distended with blood or synovial fluid in suprapatellar bursitis (“water on the knee”). SYN: b. suprapatellaris [TA].
- b. suprapatellaris [TA] SYN: suprapatellar b..
- synovial b. [TA] a sac containing synovial fluid that occurs at sites of friction, as between a tendon and a bone over which it plays, or subcutaneously over a bony prominence. Terminologia Anatomica lists the following types: subcutaneous b., b. subcutanea [TA]; submuscular b., b. submuscularis [TA]; subfascial b., b. subfascialis [TA]; and subtendinous b., b. subtendinea [TA]. SYN: b. synovialis [TA], b. mucosa.
- b. synovialis [TA] SYN: synovial b..
- b. tendinis calcanei SYN: b. of tendo calcaneus.
- b. of tendo calcaneus [TA] b. between the tendo calcaneus and the upper part of the posterior surface of the calcaneum. SYN: b. of calcaneal tendon, retrocalcaneal b., Achilles b., b. achillis, b. tendinis calcanei.
- b. of tensor veli palatine [TA] a small b. located where the tendon of the tensor passes around the pterygoid hamulus. SYN: b. musculi tensoris veli palatini [TA].
- b. of teres major SYN: subcutaneous b. of teres major.
- tibial intertendinous b. SYN: anserine b..
- b. of trapezius SYN: subtendinous b. of trapezius.
- triceps b. SYN: subtendinous b. of triceps brachii.
- trochanteric b. [TA] 1. the subcutaneous trochanteric b. between the greater trochanter of the femur and the skin; SYN: b. subcutanea trochanterica. 2. a multilocular trochanteric b. of gluteus maximus between the gluteus maximus and the greater trochanter of the femur; SYN: b. trochanterica musculi glutei maximi. 3. the trochanteric b. of gluteus medius between the gluteus medius and the greater trochanter; SYN: bursae trochantericae musculi glutei medii [TA]. 4. the trochanteric b. of the gluteus minimus. SYN: b. trochanterica musculi glutei minimi [TA]. SYN: b. trochanterica [TA].
- b. trochanterica [TA] SYN: trochanteric b..
- bursae trochantericae musculi glutei medii [TA] SYN: trochanteric b. (3).
- b. trochanterica musculi glutei maximi SYN: trochanteric b. (2).
- b. trochanterica musculi glutei minimi [TA] SYN: trochanteric b. (4).
- trochanteric bursae of gluteus medius [TA] the b. between the tendon of the gluteus medius and the greater trochanter and the b. between the piriformis and gluteus medius. SYN: gluteus medius bursae.
- trochanteric bursae of gluteus minimus [TA] a fairly large b. usually located between the gluteus minimus and the greater trochanter. SYN: gluteus minimus b..
- ulnar b. SYN: common flexor sheath (of hand).

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bur·sa 'bər-sə n, pl bur·sas -səz or bur·sae -.sē, -.sī a bodily pouch or sac: as
a) a small serous sac between a tendon and a bone
bur·sal -səl adj

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n. (pl. bursae)
a small sac of fibrous tissue that is lined with synovial membrane and filled with fluid (synovia). Bursae occur where parts move over one another; they help to reduce friction. They are normally formed round joints and in places where ligaments and tendons pass over bones. However, they may be formed in other places in response to unusual pressure or friction.

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bur·sa (burґsə) pl. burґsae [L., from Gr. “a wine skin”] a sac or saclike cavity filled with a viscid fluid and situated at places in the tissues at which friction would otherwise develop. bursal adj

Descriptions are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific bursae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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