
An order of even-toed ungulates having either two or four digits, with the axis between the third and fourth; e.g., pig and hippopotamus with four; camel, deer, giraffe, antelope, and cow with two. [G. artios, even in number, + daktylos, finger]

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Ar·tio·dac·ty·la .ärt-ē-ō-'dak-tə-lə n pl an order of hoofed mammals (as the sheep, goat, pig, camel, or ox) with an even number of functional toes on each foot compare PERISSODACTYLA
ar·tio·dac·tyl -'dak-təl n or adj
ar·tio·dac·ty·lous -tə-ləs adj

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Ar·tio·dac·ty·la (ahr″te-o-dakґtə-lə) [Gr. artios even + daktylos finger] an order of mammals, the ungulates with an even number of toes, including ruminants, pigs, deer, and antelopes. Cf. Perissodactyla.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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