
1. SYN: lime (1). [L. limestone] 2. The posterior rounded extremity of the foot. SYN: heel (2) [TA], calcar pedis. [L. heel]

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calx 'kalks n, pl calx·es or cal·ces 'kal-.sēz the crumbly residue left when a metal or mineral has been subjected to calcination or combustion esp LIME
calx n, pl calces HEEL

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(kalks) [L.] 1. [TA] heel: the hindmost projection of the foot. 2. any residue obtained by calcination. 3. calcium oxide.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Calx — Calx, n.; pl. E. {Calxes}, L. {Calces}. [L. Calx, calcis. limestone; cf. Gr. ? gravel. ?, ?, pebble, Skr. ? gravel, Ir. carraic rock Gael. carraig, W. careg, stone. Cf. {Chalk}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Chem.) (a) Quicklime. [Obs.] (b) The substance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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