- clinic
- 1. An institution, building, or part of a building where ambulatory patients are cared for. 2. An institution, building, or part of a building in which medical instruction is given to students by means of demonstrations in the presence of the sick. 3. A lecture or symposium on a subject relating to disease. [G. kline, bed]
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1 a) a session or class of medical instruction in a hospital held at the bedside of patients serving as case studiesb) a group of selected patients presented with discussion before doctors (as at a convention) for purposes of instruction2 a) an institution connected with a hospital or medical school where diagnosis and treatment are made available to outpatientsb) a form of group practice in which several physicians (as specialists) work in cooperative association* * *
n.1. an establishment or department of a hospital devoted to the treatment of particular diseases or the medical care of out-patients.2. a gathering of instructors, students, and patients, usually in a hospital ward, for the examination and treatment of the patients.* * *
clin·ic (klinґik) [Gr. klinikos pertaining to a bed] 1. an establishment where patients are admitted for special study and treatment by a group of physicians practicing medicine together. 2. a clinical lecture; examination of patients before a class of students; instruction at the bedside.
Medical dictionary. 2011.