- conus
- c. arteriosus [TA] the left or anterosuperior, smooth-walled portion of the cavity of the right ventricle of the heart, which begins at the supraventricular crest and terminates in the pulmonary trunk. SYN: arterial cone, infundibulum (4), pulmonary cone, pulmonary c..- distraction c. a c. in which the optic nerve passes through the scleral canal in a markedly oblique direction.- c. elasticus [TA] thicker lower portion of the elastic membrane of the larynx, extending between the cricoid cartilage and the vocal ligaments, the latter actually being a thickening of the free, superior margin of the c. elasticus; SYN: cricovocal membrane, elastic cone.- supertraction c. a reddish yellow c. or ring at the nasal margin of the optic disk, produced by displacement of the retinal pigment epithelium and lamina vitrea of the choroid; occurs in high myopia.
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1) cap a very large genus (the type of the family Conidae) of tropical marine snails comprising the cones and including many harmless forms and a few chiefly in the southwest Pacific that are highly dangerous because they are capable of biting with the radula and injecting a paralytic venom that has been known to cause death in humans* * *
Co·nus (koґnəs) a genus of marine snails (cones) of the family Conidae. C. geograґphicus (the geographic cone) and C. textiґle (the textile cone) are carnivorous species that live in tropical oceans and kill fish by punching a hole with a proboscis and injecting poison; occasionally humans have been killed in the same manner.
Medical dictionary. 2011.