
1. Luxation and removal of a tooth from its alveolus. 2. Partitioning of material (solute) into a solvent. 3. The active portion of a drug; the making of an extract. 4. Surgical removal by pulling out. 5. Removal of the fetus from the uterus or vagina at or near the end of pregnancy, either manually or with instruments. 6. Removal by suction of the product of conception before a menstrual period has been missed. [L. extraho, pp. -tractus, to draw out]
- Baker pyridine e. hot pyridine treatment of tissues fixed in dilute Bouin fixative, used to extract phospholipids from tissues as a control in the histochemical staining of this material.
- breech e. obstetrical e. of the baby by the buttocks.
- partial breech e. assisted breech delivery by the obstetrician with spontaneous delivery of the fetus to the level of the umbilicus.
- podalic e. obstetrical e. of the baby by the feet.
- serial e. the selective e. of certain deciduous or permanent teeth, or both, during the early years of dental development, usually with the eventual e. of the first, or occasionally the second, premolars, to encourage autonomous adjustment of moderate to severe crowding of anterior teeth; it may or may not require subsequent orthodontic treatment.
- spontaneous breech e. delivery of a fetus in the breech presentation without e. by the obstetrician.
- total breech e. delivery of a fetus in breech presentation with complete e. of the entire fetal body from the uterus.

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ex·trac·tion ik-'strak-shən n the act or process of extracting something <\extraction of a tooth>

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1. the surgical removal of a part of the body. Extraction of teeth is usually achieved by applying extraction forceps to the crown or root of the tooth to dislocate it from its socket. When this is not possible, for example because the tooth or root is deeply buried within the bone, extraction is performed surgically by removing bone and, where necessary, dividing the tooth.
2. the act of pulling out a baby from the body of its mother during childbirth.

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ex·trac·tion (ek-strakґshən) [ex- + traction] 1. the process or act of pulling or drawing out. 2. the preparation of an extract. 3. tooth e.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • extraction — [ ɛkstraksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; estration XIIe (sens II); du lat. extractum → extracteur I ♦ 1 ♦ Action d extraire, de retirer (une chose) d un lieu (où elle se trouve enfouie ou enfoncée). Extraction de sable, de pierres dans une carrière. Puits d …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • extraction — [ek strak′shən, ikstrak′shən] n. [ME extraccioun < ML extractio] 1. the act or process of extracting; specif., the extracting of a tooth by a dentist 2. origin; lineage; descent [of Navajo extraction] 3. a thing extracted; extract …   English World dictionary

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  • extraction — early 15c., from O.Fr. estraction (12c.) or directly from M.L. extractionem (nom. extractio), noun of action from pp. stem of L. extrahere (see EXTRACT (Cf. extract) (v.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • extraction — ► NOUN 1) the action of extracting. 2) the ethnic origin of someone s family …   English terms dictionary

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