
1. SYN: frenulum. 2. [TA] In neuroanatomy, the term originally denoted the stalk of the pineal gland (pineal h.; pedunculus of pineal body), but gradually came to refer to a neighboring group of nerve cells with which the pineal gland was believed to be associated, the habenular nucleus. Currently, the TA term refers exclusively to this circumscript cell mass in the caudal and dorsal aspect of the dorsal thalamus, embedded in the posterior end of the medullary stria from which it receives most of its afferent fibers. By way of the retroflex fasciculus (habenulointerpeduncular tract) it projects to the interpeduncular nucleus and other paramedian cell groups of the midbrain tegmentum. Despite its proximity to the pineal stalk, no habenulopineal fiber connection is known to exist. It is a part of the epithalamus. SYN: habena (3). [L.]
- Haller h. rarely used term for the cordlike remains of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. SYN: Scarpa h..
- habenulae perforatae SYN: foramina nervosa, under foramen.
- pineal h. the peduncle or stalk of the pineal gland. See h. (2).
- Scarpa h. SYN: Haller h..
- h. urethralis one of two fine, whitish lines running from the meatus urethrae to the clitoris in girls and young women; the vestiges of the anterior part of the corpus spongiosum.

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ha·ben·u·la -'ben-- n, pl -lae -
2) either of two nuclei of which one lies on each side of the pineal gland under the corresponding trigonum habenulae, is composed of two groups of nerve cells, is connected to its contralateral counterpart by the habenular commissure, and forms a correlation center for olfactory stimuli called also habenular nucleus
ha·ben·u·lar -lər adj

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ha·ben·u·la (hə-benґu-lə) gen. and pl. habenґulae [L., dim. of habena, q.v.] 1. a frenulum, or reinlike structure, such as one of a set of such structures in the cochlea. 2. [TA] a component of the epithalamus, being the small eminence on the dorsomedial surface of the thalamus, just in front of the posterior commissure on the lateral edge of the habenular trigone; called also pineal peduncle.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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