
: A benign tumor of the uterus and the single most common indication for hysterectomy. Fibroids can be present and be inapparent. However, they are clinically apparent in up to 25% of women and cause significant morbidity, including prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, and, in rare cases, reproductive dysfunction. Both the economic cost and the effect of fibroids on quality of life are substantial. Fibroids are not cancerous. Drugs that manipulate the levels of steroid hormones are effective in treating fibroids but side-effects limit their long-term use. Fibroids may be removed if they cause discomfort or if they are associated with uterine bleeding. Surgery is the mainstay of fibroid treatment. In addition to hysterectomy and abdominal myomectomy, various minimally invasive procedures have been developed to remove fibroids. A fibroid is also medically known as a leiomyoma or simply a myoma of the uterus.
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1. Resembling or composed of fibers or fibrous tissue. 2. Old term for certain types of leiomyoma, especially those occurring in the uterus. 3. SYN: fibroleiomyoma. [fibro- + G. eidos, resemblance]

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fi·broid 'fīb-rȯid, 'fib- adj resembling, forming, or consisting of fibrous tissue
fibroid n a benign tumor esp. of the uterine wall that consists of fibrous and muscular tissue

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1. n. (fibromyoma, uterine fibroid) a benign tumour of fibrous and muscular tissue, one or more of which may develop in the muscular wall of the uterus. Fibroids often cause pain and excessive menstrual bleeding and they may become extremely large. They do not threaten life, but render pregnancy unlikely. It is usually women over 30 years of age who are affected. Some fibroids can be removed surgically; in other cases removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) may be necessary. If, as frequently happens, discomfort and other symptoms are absent, surgery is not required.
2. adj. resembling or containing fibres.

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fi·broid (fiґbroid) [fibr- + -oid] 1. having a fibrous structure; resembling a fibroma. 2. fibroma. 3. leiomyoma. 4. (in the pl.) a colloquial term for uterine leiomyoma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Fibroid — Fi broid, a. [L. fibra a fiber + oid.] (Med.) Resembling or forming fibrous tissue; made up of fibers; as, fibroid tumors. n. A fibroid tumor; a fibroma. [1913 Webster] {Fibroid degeneration}, a form of degeneration in which organs or tissues are …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fibroid — is a term used for two different types of tumors: * Fibroids is the common term for Uterine fibroids; leiomyoma originating in the uterus. It is a benign neoplasm composed of smooth muscle cells. * A fibroid tumor is another name for a fibroma, a …   Wikipedia

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  • fibroid — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ referring to fibres or fibrous tissue. ► NOUN Medicine ▪ a benign tumour of muscular and fibrous tissues, typically developing in the wall of the womb …   English terms dictionary

  • fibroid — [fī′broid΄] adj. [ FIBR(O) + OID] like, composed of, or forming fibrous tissue n. a fibrous tumor, esp. a benign tumor of the uterus …   English World dictionary

  • fibroid — I. adjective Date: 1852 resembling, forming, or consisting of fibrous tissue < a fibroid tumor > II. noun Date: circa 1860 a benign tumor that consists of fibrous and muscular tissue and occurs especially in the uterine wall …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fibroid — 1) n. (leiomyoma, uterine fibroid) a benign tumour of fibrous and muscular tissue, one or more of which may develop within or attached to the outside of the uterus. Fibroids that are large or distort the uterine cavity often cause pain and… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Fibroid degeneration — Fibroid Fi broid, a. [L. fibra a fiber + oid.] (Med.) Resembling or forming fibrous tissue; made up of fibers; as, fibroid tumors. n. A fibroid tumor; a fibroma. [1913 Webster] {Fibroid degeneration}, a form of degeneration in which organs or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fibroid phthists — Fibroid Fi broid, a. [L. fibra a fiber + oid.] (Med.) Resembling or forming fibrous tissue; made up of fibers; as, fibroid tumors. n. A fibroid tumor; a fibroma. [1913 Webster] {Fibroid degeneration}, a form of degeneration in which organs or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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