
An endoscope passed into the renal pelvis to view it. Route of access may be percutaneous, through a surgically exposed kidney, or retrograde via the ureter.

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neph·ro·scope 'nef--.skōp n an endoscope used for inspecting and passing instruments into the interior of the kidney
neph·ros·co·py ni-'fräs-- n

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an instrument (endoscope) used for examining the interior of the kidney, usually passed into the renal pelvis through a track from the skin surface after needle nephrostomy and dilatation of the tract over a guide wire. The nephroscope allows the passage of instruments under direct vision to remove calculi (see percutaneous nephrolithotomy) or disintegrate them by ultrasound probes or electrohydraulic shock waves (see lithotripsy).

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neph·ro·scope (nefґro-skōp) an endoscope inserted into an incision in the renal pelvis for viewing the inside of the kidney; there are both rigid types and flexible types with three channels (for telescope, fiberoptic light input, and irrigation).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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