- organization
- 1. An arrangement of distinct but mutually dependent parts. 2. The conversion of coagulated blood, exudate, or dead tissue into fibrous tissue.- health maintenance o. (HMO) a comprehensive prepaid system of health care intended to have emphasis on the prevention and early detection of disease, and continuity of care; often used synonymously with “managed care plan.”The term HMO refers to a health care delivery system characterized by multiplicity of services (primary care physicians and specialists, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, and hospitalization); restriction of services to subscribers, and of benefits to participating health care providers, both typically confined to a certain geographic area; and an accounting system based on prepayment rather than fee for service. An HMO may be a nonprofit institution or a commercial venture. During the last quarter of the 20th century, HMOs emerged as an important alternative to traditional medical indemnity insurance plans, and largely supplanted them. HMOs have had a profound effect on every aspect of the practice of medicine : professional, scientific, social, economic, and legal. Some state legislatures, seeing the HMO's determining which medical services are appropriate in given circumstances as the practice of medicine, have passed laws rendering them liable to malpractice litigation. see also managed care.- preferred provider o. (PPO) a health care delivery model that uses a panel of eligible physicians.- pregenital o. in psychoanalysis, the o. or arrangement of the libido in the stages prior to that of genital primacy.
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1 a) the act or process of organizing or of being organizedb) the condition of being organized2) the formation of fibrous tissue from a clot or exudate by invasion of connective tissue cells and capillaries from adjoining tissues accompanied by phagocytosis of superfluous material and multiplication of connective tissue cells* * *
or·ga·ni·za·tion (or″gə-nĭ-zaґshən) 1. the process of organizing or of becoming organized. 2. an organized body, group, or structure. 3. the replacement of blood clots by fibrous tissue.
Medical dictionary. 2011.