
Paralysis of both lower extremities and, generally, the lower trunk. [para- + plege, a stroke]
- ataxic p. progressive ataxia and paresis of the leg muscles due to sclerosis of the lateral and posterior funiculi of the spinal cord.
- congenital spastic p. a spastic paralysis of the lower extremities occurring in the infant. SYN: infantile spastic p..
- p. dolorosa paralysis of the lower extremities in which the affected parts, in spite of loss of motion and sensation, are the seat of excruciating pain; occurs in certain cases of cancer of the spinal cord. SYN: painful p..
- p. in extension paralysis of the legs, maintained in an extended position by hypertonic extensor muscles.
- p. in flexion the fixation of the paralyzed legs in a flexed posture; usually in transection of the spinal cord.
- painful p. SYN: p. dolorosa.
- Pott p. paralysis of the lower part of the body and the extremities, due to pressure on the spinal cord as the result of tuberculous spondylitis. SYN: Pott paralysis.
- spastic p. paresis of the lower extremities with increased muscle tone and spasmodic contraction of the muscles. SYN: Erb-Charcot disease (2).
- superior p. paralysis of both arms.

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para·ple·gia .par-ə-'plē-j(ē-)ə n paralysis of the lower half of the body with involvement of both legs usu. due to disease of or injury to the spinal cord

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paralysis of both legs, usually due to disease or injury of the spinal cord. It is often accompanied by loss of sensation below the level of the injury and disturbed bladder function.
paraplegic adj. n.

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para·ple·gia (par″ə-pleґjə) [para- + -plegia] paralysis of the lower limbs and lower trunk.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • paraplegia — [ˌparə pli:dʒə] noun paralysis of the legs and lower body, typically caused by spinal injury or disease. Compare with monoplegia. Derivatives paraplegic adjective &noun Origin C17: mod. L., from Gk paraplēgia, from paraplēssein strike at the side …   English new terms dictionary

  • paraplegia — par•a•ple•gi•a [[t]ˌpær əˈpli dʒi ə, dʒə[/t]] n. pat paralysis of both lower limbs due to spinal disease or injury • Etymology: 1650–60; < NL < Gk paraplēgía. See para I, plegia par a•ple′gic ˈpli dʒɪk, ˈplɛdʒ ɪk adj. n …   From formal English to slang

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