
A genus of fungi (class Ascomycetes, order Aspergillales), species of which yield various antibiotic substances and biologicals; e.g., citrinum yields citrinin; P. claviforme, P. expansum, and P. patulum yield patulin; P. chrysogenum yields penicillin; P. griseofulvum yields griseofulvin; P. notatum yields penicillin and notatin; P. cyclopium and P. puberulum yield penicillic acid; P. purpurogenum and P. rubrum yield rubratoxin. P. marneffei is a true pathogen in Southeast Asia and in bamboo rats. [see penicillus]
- P. lilacinum SYN: Paecilomyces lilacinus.

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pen·i·cil·li·um .pen-ə-'sil-ē-əm n
1) cap a genus of fungi (as the blue molds) that have been grouped with the imperfect fungi but are now often placed with the ascomycetes and that are found chiefly on moist nonliving organic matter (as decaying fruit), are characterized by the erect branching conidiophores ending in tufts of club-shaped cells from which conidia are formed in chains, and include molds useful in economic fermentation and the production of antibiotics
2) pl -lia -ē-ə any mold of the genus Penicillium

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a genus of mouldlike fungi that commonly grow on decaying fruit, bread, or cheese. The species P. rubrum is the major natural source of the antibiotic penicillin. Some species of Penicillium are pathogenic to humans, causing diseases of the skin and respiratory tract.

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Pen·i·cil·li·um (pen″ĭ-silґe-əm) [L. penicillum brush] a genus of Fungi Imperfecti of the form-class Hyphomycetes, form-family Moniliaceae; they develop fruiting organs resembling a broom or phalanges. Many species are commonly found in the human environment and occasionally cause penicilliosis. When identified, the perfect (sexual) stage is classified in the family Eurotiaceae.

Penicillium, showing the conidiophores and free conidia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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