
Hydroxybenzene; an antiseptic, anesthetic, and disinfectant; locally escharotic in concentrated form and neurolytic in 34% solutions; internally, a powerful escharotic poison. SYN: carbolic acid, phenyl alcohol.
- camphorated p. camphorated carbolic acid, consisting of p., camphor, and liquid petrolatum; used as a local anesthetic and for the relief of toothache.
- liquefied p. liquefied carbolic acid, p. liquefied by the addition of 10% of water.
- p. oxidase SYN: laccase.

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phe·nol '-.nōl, -.nȯl, fi-' n
1) a corrosive poisonous crystalline acidic compound C6H5OH present in coal tar and wood tar that is used in the manufacture of resins and plastics, dyes, and pharmaceuticals (as aspirin) and as a topical anesthetic in dilute solution called also carbolic, carbolic acid, hydroxybenzene
2) any of various acidic compounds analogous to phenol and regarded as hydroxyl derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons

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a strong disinfectant used for cleansing wounds, treating inflammations of the mouth, throat, and ear, and as a preservative in injections. It is administered as solution, ointments, and lotions and is highly toxic if taken by mouth.

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phe·nol (feґnol) 1. [USP] an extremely poisonous, colorless to light pink, crystalline compound, C6H5OH, obtained by the distillation of coal tar; it is caustic and disinfectant and is used as a pharmaceutic preservative. Dilute aqueous solutions have been used as topical antiseptics, anesthetics, and antipruritics. Ingestion or absorption through the skin causes phenol poisoning (see under poisoning). Called also carbolic acid, hydroxybenzene, and oxybenzene. 2. a generic term for any organic compound containing one or more hydroxyl groups attached to an aromatic carbon ring.


Medical dictionary. 2011.

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