
Relating to the p. gland (hypophysis). SYN: pituitarium. [L. pituita, a phlegm]
- anterior p. the dried, partially defatted, and powdered anterior lobe of the p. gland of cattle, sheep, or swine; now rarely used therapeutically.
- desiccated p. SYN: posterior p..
- pharyngeal p. the embryonic remnant of the oral end of Rathke pouch that is cut off from the adenohypophysis by the developing sphenoid bone; composed chiefly of chromophobes and, under normal conditions, considered physiologically inactive. See p. gland.
- posterior p. the cleaned, dried, and powdered posterior lobe obtained from the p. body of domestic animals used for food by humans; an oxytocic, vasoconstrictor, antidiuretic, and stimulant of intestinal motility. SYN: desiccated p., hypophysis sicca.

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pi·tu·i·tary -'t(y)ü-ə-.ter-ē adj
1) of or relating to the pituitary gland
2) caused or characterized by secretory disturbances of the pituitary gland <a \pituitary dwarf>
pituitary n, pl -tar·ies
2) the cleaned, dried, and powdered posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of cattle that is used in the treatment of uterine atony and hemorrhage, shock, and intestinal paresis

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pi·tu·i·tary (-tooґĭ-tare) [L. pituita phlegm] 1. hypophysial. 2. hypophysis. 3. a preparation of some part of the pituitary gland of animals (e.g., cattle, pigs, sheep), used therapeutically.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pituitary — [pi to͞o′ə ter΄ē, pityo͞o′ə ter΄ē] adj. [L pituitarius < pituita, phlegm, rheum < IE * pitu , juice, food < base * pei , *pi , to be fat > PITCH1, FAT] 1. Obs. of or secreting mucus 2. of the pituitary gland n. pl. pituitaries …   English World dictionary

  • pituitary — (adj.) 1610s, from L. pituitarius mucous, from pituita phlegm, mucus. Taken as the name for the gland because it was believed that it channeled mucus to the nose …   Etymology dictionary

  • pituitary — I. adjective Etymology: Latin pituita phlegm; from the former belief that the pituitary gland secreted phlegm more at pip Date: 1615 1. of or relating to the pituitary gland 2. caused or characterized by secretory disturbances of the pituitary… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pituitary — /pi tooh i ter ee, tyooh /, n., pl. pituitaries, adj. n. 1. See pituitary gland. 2. Pharm. the extract obtained from the lobes of the pituitary glands of hogs, sheep, and other domestic animals: the posterior lobe constituent increases blood… …   Universalium

  • pituitary — 1. adjective Of or relating to the pituitary gland. 2. noun a) The pituitary gland. b) The pituitary gland together with the pituitary stalk …   Wiktionary

  • pituitary — pi•tu•i•tar•y [[t]pɪˈtu ɪˌtɛr i, ˈtyu [/t]] n. pl. tar•ies, adj. 1) anat. pituitary gland 2) pha a hormonal extract obtained from pituitary glands for use as a medicine 3) anat. of, pertaining to, or involving the pituitary gland 4) anat. dvl pan …   From formal English to slang

  • pituitary — /pəˈtjuətri / (say puh tyoohuhtree), / təri/ (say tuhree) –noun (plural pituitaries) 1. Anatomy → pituitary gland. 2. Medicine the extract obtained from either the anterior or posterior lobes of the pituitary. The anterior lobe substance… …  

  • pituitary —    An endocrine gland somewhat behind the eyes and suspended from the front of the brain. The front section, the anterior pituitary, makes and secretes a number of controlling hormones that affect the rate of oxidation; the preference for fats,… …   Herbal-medical glossary

  • pituitary — [pɪ tju:ɪt(ə)ri] noun (plural pituitaries) (in full pituitary gland or pituitary body) the major endocrine gland, a pea sized body attached to the base of the brain that is important in controlling growth and the functioning of the other… …   English new terms dictionary

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