- Hypogeusia
- A reduced ability to taste things (to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty substances). Some people cannot detect tastes and are said to have ageusia.
* * *Diminished sense of taste. It may be: 1) general to all tastants, partial to some tastants, or specific to one or more tastants; 2) due to transport disorders (in access to the interior of the taste bud) or to sensorineural disorders (affecting the gustatory sensory cells or nerves or the central gustatory neural pathways); and 3) hereditary or acquired. [hypo- + G. geusis, taste]
* * *
hy·po·geu·sia -'gü-sē-əalso -'jü-, -zē-ə n decreased sensitivity to taste <idiopathic \hypogeusia> called also hypoageusia* * *
n.* * *
hy·po·geu·sia (hi″po-gooґzhə) [hypo- + Gr. geusis taste] a parageusia involving diminished sensitivity of taste. Called also amblygeustia, hypogeusesthesia, and gustatory hypoesthesia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.