
The expanded posterior extremity of the thalamus that forms a cushionlike prominence overlying the geniculate bodies. This structure, called nuclei pulvinares [TA] (p. nuclei [TA]), is a composite cell group made up of anterior, inferior, lateral, and medial nuclei. [L. a couch made from cushions, fr. pulvinus, cushion]

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pul·vi·nar .pəl-'vī-nər n a rounded prominence on the back of the thalamus

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the expanded posterior end of the thalamus.

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pul·vi·nar (pəl-viґnər) [L. “a cushioned seat”] the prominent, cushion-like mass of nuclei that forms the posterior extremity of the thalamus, which overhangs the medial and lateral geniculate bodies and is separated inferiorly from the medial geniculate body by the brachium of the superior colliculus; it receives fibers from other thalamic nuclei and gives off widespread cortical projections. In official terminology, called pulvinar thalami.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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