
An individual whose bodily fluids (saliva, semen, vaginal secretions) contain a water-soluble form of the antigens of the ABO blood group. Secretors constitute 80% of the population. In forensic medicine, the examination of fluids has enhanced the ability of law enforcement officials to develop identifying information about perpetrators and narrow a field of suspects.

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se·cre·tor si-'krēt-ər n an individual of blood group A, B, or AB who secretes the antigens characteristic of these blood groups in bodily fluids (as saliva)

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a person in whose saliva and other body fluids are found traces of the water-soluble A, B, or O agglutinogens that determine blood group.

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se·cre·tor (se-kreґtər) 1. an individual expressing the autosomal dominant phenotype of secreting the ABH antigens of the ABO blood group in the saliva and other body fluids. See also nonsecretor. 2. the gene that determines this phenotype.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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