- Lavage
- Washing out. Gastric lavage is washing out the stomach, for example, to remove drugs or poisons.
* * *The washing out of a hollow cavity or organ by copious injections and rejections of fluid. [Fr. from L. lavo, to wash]- antral l. irrigation of the maxillary sinus through its natural ostium or through a puncture of the inferior meatus.- bronchoalveolar l. (BAL) procedure for analyzing the cellular milieu of the alveoli (including microbiology, types of inflammatory cells) by use of a bronchoscope or other hollow tube through which saline is instilled into distal bronchi and then withdrawn.
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la·vage lə-'väzh, Brit usu 'lav-ij n the act or action of washing esp the therapeutic washing out of an organ or part <gastric \lavage>1) to wash or wash out therapeutically <lavaged the bladder with water> <the incisions were lavaged with sterile saline>2) to perform lavage on <she was intubated, lavaged, and received activated charcoal (R. Rasmussen & P. E. McKinney)>* * *
n.washing out a body cavity, such as the colon or stomach, with water or a medicated solution. In cases of bowel obstruction the washing out can be done during the operation (on-table lavage). See also diagnostic peritoneal lavage.* * *
la·vage (lah-vahzhґ) [Fr.] 1. the irrigation of an organ, such as the stomach or bowel. 2. to wash out, or irrigate.
Medical dictionary. 2011.