
Establishment of an external opening into the ureter. [uretero- + G. stoma, mouth]
- cutaneous u. a stoma constructed of ureter at skin level for drainage of urine. This may be an end stoma or a loop stoma. Usually performed because of distal obstruction. SYN: cutaneous loop u..
- cutaneous loop u. SYN: cutaneous u..

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ure·ter·os·to·my .yu̇r-ət-ər-'äs-tə-mē, yu̇-.rēt-ər- n, pl -mies surgical creation of an opening on the surface of the body for the ureters

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the surgical creation of an external opening into the ureter. This usually involves bringing the ureter to the skin surface so that the urine can drain into a suitable appliance (cutaneous ureterostomy). The divided dilated ureter can be brought through the skin to form a spout, but ureters of a normal size need to be implanted into a segment of bowel used for this purpose (see ileal conduit) to avoid narrowing and obstruction.

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ure·ter·os·to·my (u-re″tər-osґtə-me) [uretero- + -stomy] any of various channels artificially created for urinary diversion with part or all of the ureter left intact.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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