
SYN: vallecula cerebelli. [L. valley]

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Vallis — (pluriel valles) est une mot d origine latine qui désigne une vallée. Il est utilisé sur Mars pour décrire des vallées aux formes très diverses. Ainsi, vallis s applique tout aussi bien au gigantesque système de canyon de Valles Marineris qu à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • VALLIS — Antonion Africae propriae locus. Vallis Alba, in Phoenicia lib. Notit. Vallis Carimiana Antonino, urbs in Pannonia. Carmiana legit Lazius 12. R. P. R. et Babolitza Carethna hodie vocari dicit. Vallis Domitiana in Moesia inferiori locus Antonino… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Vallis — ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf einen untergegangenen Bischofssitz in der gleichnamigen antiken Stadt, die in der römischen Provinz Africa proconsularis (heute nördliches Tunesien) lag. Der Bischofssitz… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vallis — (plural valles ) is the Latin word for valley . It is used in planetary geology for the naming of landform features on other planets.* List of valleys on Mercury * List of Valles on Mars …   Wikipedia

  • Vallis — This interesting surname of French origin is either a topographical name for someone who lived in a valley, or a locational name from any of the various places called Val(l)ois, or the regional name from the district in Northern France so called …   Surnames reference

  • Vallis Rheita — is a linear valley on the near side of the Moon. It is located in the southeastern quadrant, and is oriented radially to Mare Nectaris. This valley appears to share a common origin with the Vallis Snellius to the northeast, as both are oriented… …   Wikipedia

  • VALLIS Telina — Script. Insub. Valtelina, regio Insubriae, in Rhaetorum confinio, per quam Addua fluvius decurrit, inter Ortum illius et Larium lacum 60. mill. pasl. longa. A Telio castro nomen habet; licet nonnulli illam, ex quadam nominis allusione decepti,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Vallis Baade — is a 203 km long sinuous valley [ db] on the Moon running south southeast from the crater Baade and centered at Lunar coords and quad cat|45.9|S|76.2|W|globe:Moon (south of the Montes… …   Wikipedia

  • Vallis Bouvard — is a 284 km long valley on the Moon, centered at Lunar coords and quad cat|38.3|S|83.1|W|globe:Moon. It begins at the southern rim of the crater Shaler, and winds its way to the south southeast towards Baade. This is one of several such valleys… …   Wikipedia

  • Vallis Bouvard — (Valle Bouvard) es un valle lunar de 284 km de largo, centrado en las coordenadas selenográficas 38.3°S, 83.1°W. Comienza en el borde sur del cráter Shaler, y avanza hacia el sur sureste, dirigiéndose al cráter Baade. Este es uno de tres valles… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Vallis Snellius — is a linear valley on the near side of the Moon. It is located in the rugged southeastern part of the visible surface, to the south of the Mare Fecunditatis. This feature is radial to the Mare Nectaris basin to the west northwest, much like… …   Wikipedia

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