
The ankle bone. The ankle joint is formed by the talus and the bottom of the tibia and fibula that rest upon it. The Latin word "talus" means ankle and in medicine it can refer to the entire ankle, too.
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The bone of the foot that articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. SYN: ankle bone, ankle (3). [L. ankle bone, heel]

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ta·lus '-ləs n, pl ta·li '-.
1) the human astragalus that bears the weight of the body and together with the tibia and fibula forms the ankle joint called also anklebone
2) the entire ankle

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the ankle bone. It forms part of the tarsus, articulating with the tibia above, with the fibula to the lateral (outer) side, and with the calcaneus below.

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ta·lus (taґləs) pl. taґli [L. âœankleâ] [TA] the highest of the tarsal bones and the one that articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint; called also ankle bone, astragalus, astragaloid bone, and os tarsi tibiale. talar adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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