neural tube defects

neural tube defects
a group of congenital abnormalities caused by failure of the neural tube to form normally. In spina bifida the bony arches of the spine, which protect the spinal cord and its coverings (the meninges), fail to close. More severe defects of fusion of these bones will result in increasingly serious neurological conditions. A meningocele is the protrusion of the meninges through the gap in the spine, the skin covering being vestigial. There is a constant risk of damage to the meninges, with resulting infection. Urgent surgical treatment to protect the meninges is therefore required. In a meningomyelocele (myelomeningocele, myelocele) the spinal cord and the nerve roots are exposed, often adhering to the fine membrane that overlies them. There is a constant risk of infection and this condition is accompanied by paralysis and numbness of the legs and urinary incontinence. hydrocephalus and an Arnold-Chiari malformation are usually present. A failure of fusion at the cranial end of the neural tube (cranium bifidum) gives rise to comparable disorders. The bone defect is most often in the occipital region of the skull but it may occur in the frontal or basal regions. A protrusion of the meninges alone is known as a cranial meningocele. The terms meningoencephalocele, encephalocele, and cephalocele are used for the protrusion of brain tissue through the skull defect. This is accompanied by severe mental and physical disorders.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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