
ure·tero·co·lon·ic (u-re″tər-o-ko-lonґik) ureterocolic.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • ureterocolonic anastomosis — anastomosis of a ureter to part of the colon, either a detached segment like an ileal conduit or an in situ segment so that urine empties into the colon, sometimes as a continent urinary diversion. Called also ureterocolostomy …   Medical dictionary

  • ureterocolic — Relating to the ureter and the colon, especially to an anastomosis for lesions of the lower urinary tract. * * * ure·tero·co·lic yu̇ .rēt ə rō kō lik, käl ik adj relating to or joining the colon and a ureter <a ureterocolic anastomosis> * * …   Medical dictionary

  • ureterocolostomy — Implantation of the ureter into the colon. SYN: ureterosigmoidostomy. [uretero + G. kolon, colon, + stoma, mouth] * * * ure·tero·co·los·to·my yu̇ .rēt ə rō kə läs tə mē n, pl mies surgical implantation of a ureter into the colon …   Medical dictionary

  • continent urinary diversion — urinary diversion that preserves continence; examples include neobladders, ureterocolonic and ureterosigmoid anastomoses, the Indiana pouch, and the Mainz pouch …   Medical dictionary

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