
An instrument for measuring the curvature of the anterior corneal surface. SYN: ophthalmometer. [kerato- + G. metron, measure]

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ker·a·tom·e·ter .ker-ə-'täm-ət-ər n an instrument for measuring the curvature of the cornea

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an instrument for measuring the radius of curvature of the cornea. It is used for assessing the degree of abnormal curvature of the cornea in astigmatism. Usually the vertical and horizontal curvatures are measured. All keratometers work on the principle that the size of the image of an object reflected from a convex mirror (in this case, the cornea) depends on the curvature of the mirror. The steeper the curve, the smaller the image.

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ker·a·tom·e·ter (ker″ə-tomґə-tər) [kerato- + -meter] an instrument for measuring the curves of the cornea; called also ophthalmometer.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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