
A device for measuring the humidity of the atmosphere by the difference in temperature between two thermometers, the bulb of one kept moist, the other dry. Evaporation from the moist bulb lowers the reading of that thermometer; the greater the difference in readings, the drier the air; no difference indicates 100% relative humidity. SYN: wet and dry bulb thermometer. [psychro- + G. metron, measure]
- sling p. wet and dry bulb thermometers mounted on a hand sling, for use when a small portable p. is required.

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psy·chrom·e·ter sī-'kräm-ət-ər n a hygrometer consisting essentially of two similar thermometers with the bulb of one being kept wet so that the cooling that results from evaporation makes it register a lower temperature than the dry one and with the difference between the readings constituting a measure of the dryness of the atmosphere
psy·chro·met·ric .sī-krə-'me-trik adj
psy·chrom·e·try sī-'kräm-ə-trē n, pl -tries

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psy·chrom·e·ter (si-kromґə-tər) [psychro- + -meter] an apparatus for measuring atmospheric moisture by the difference in reading of two thermometers, one with a dry bulb and one with a wet bulb.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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