- hypertrophy
- General increase in bulk of a part or organ, not due to tumor formation. Use of the term may be restricted to denote greater bulk through increase in size, but not in number, of cells or other individual tissue elements. Cf.:hyperplasia. SYN: hypertrophia. [hyper- + G. trophe, nourishment]- adaptive h. thickening of the walls of a hollow organ, like the urinary bladder, when there is obstruction to outflow.- benign prostatic h. erroneous term that is often considered a synonym of nodular hyperplasia of prostate.- compensatory h. increase in size of an organ or part of an organ or tissue, when called upon to do additional work or perform the work of destroyed tissue or of a paired organ.- compensatory h. of the heart thickening of the walls of the heart in response to vascular, valvular, other heart disease, or athletic conditioning.- complementary h. increase in size or expansion of part of an organ or tissue to fill the space left by the destruction of another portion of the same organ or tissue.- concentric h. thickening of the walls of the heart or any cavity with apparent diminution of the capacity of the cavity.- endemic h. enlargement of the calcaneus preceded by fever and pain in the heel, reported from the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and in Taiwan among the indigenous population.- physiologic h. temporary increase in size of an organ or part to provide for a natural increase of function, such as the kind that occurs in the walls of the uterus and in the mammae during pregnancy. SYN: functional h..- simulated h. increased size of a part due to continued growth unrestrained by attritions, as is seen in the case of the teeth of certain animals when the opposing teeth have been destroyed.- vicarious h. h. of an organ following failure of another organ because of a functional relationship between them; e.g., enlargement of the pituitary gland, after destruction of the thyroid.
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hy·per·tro·phy hī-'pər-trə-fē n, pl -phies excessive development of an organ or part specif increase in bulk (as by thickening of muscle fibers) without multiplication of parts <ventricular \hypertrophy>* * *
n.increase in the size of a tissue or organ brought about by the enlargement of its cells rather than by cell multiplication (as during normal growth and tumour formation). Muscles undergo this change in response to increased work. Compare hyperplasia.* * *
hy·per·tro·phy (hi-purґtrə-fe) [hyper- + -trophy] the enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or part due to an increase in size of its constituent cells. See also hyperplasia and proliferation. hypertrophic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.