- neuritis
- ascending n. inflammation progressing upward along a nerve trunk in a direction away from the periphery.- optic n. inflammation of the optic nerve. SEE ALSO: neuromyelitis optica, retrobulbar n., papillitis.- parenchymatous n. inflammation of the nervous substance proper, the axons, and myelin. SYN: axial n., central n..- segmental n. 1. inflammation occurring at several points along the course of a nerve; 2. segmental demyelinating neuropathy
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neu·ri·tis n(y)u̇-'rīt-əs n, pl -rit·i·des -'rit-ə-.dēz or -ri·tis·es an inflammatory or degenerative lesion of a nerve marked esp. by pain, sensory disturbances, and impaired or lost reflexes compare NEURALGIA* * *
n.a disease of the peripheral nerves showing the pathological changes of inflammation. The term is also used in a less precise sense as an alternative to neuropathy. See also retrobulbar neuritis.* * *
neu·ri·tis (n-riґtis) [neur- + -itis] inflammation of a nerve, with pain and tenderness, anesthesia and paresthesias, paralysis, wasting, and disappearance of the reflexes. See also neuropathy.
Medical dictionary. 2011.