- syndesmosis
- A form of fibrous joint in which opposing surfaces that are relatively far apart are united by ligaments; e.g., the union of the styloid process of the temporal bone and the hyoid bone via the stylohyoid ligament, and the fibrous union between the radius and ulna (radioulnar syndesmoses) and the tibia and fibula (tibofibular syndesmoses). SYN: syndesmodial joint, syndesmotic joint. [syndesmo- + G. -osis, condition]- radioulnar s. [TA] the fibrous union of the radius and ulna consisting of the oblique cord and the interosseous membrane. SYN: s. radioulnaris [TA], middle radioulnar joint.- tibiofibular s. [TA] the fibrous union of the tibia and fibula consisting of the interosseous membrane and the anterior, interosseous and posterior tibiofibular ligaments at the distal extremities of the bones. SYN: s. tibiofibularis [TA], distal tibiofibular joint, inferior tibiofibular joint, tibiofibular articulation (2).- tympanostapedial s. [TA] the connection of the base or foot-plate of the stapes with the vestibular (oval) window. SYN: s. tympanostapedialis [TA], tympanostapedial junction.
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syn·des·mo·sis .sin-.dez-'mō-səs, -.des- n, pl -mo·ses -.sēz an articulation in which the contiguous surfaces of the bones are rough and are bound together by a ligament* * *
n.an immovable joint in which the bones are separated by connective tissue. An example is the articulation between the bases of the tibia and fibula.* * *
syn·des·mo·sis (sin″dəz-moґsis) pl. syndesmoґses [Gr. syndesmos band] [TA] a type of fibrous joint in which the intervening fibrous connective tissue forms an interosseous membrane or ligament.
Medical dictionary. 2011.