
Inflammation of the skin of the extremities. [acro- + G. derma, skin, + -itis, inflammation]
- a. chronica atrophicans a gradually progressive late skin manifestation of Lyme disease, appearing first on the feet, hands, elbows or knees, and composed of indurated, erythematous plaques that become atrophic, giving a tissue-paper appearance of the involved sites.
- a. continua SYN: pustulosis palmaris et plantaris.
- a. enteropathica [MIM*201100] a progressive hereditary defect of zinc metabolism in young children (onset 3 weeks to 18 months), often manifests first as a blistering, oozing, and crusting eruption on an extremity or around one of the orifices of the body, followed by loss of hair and diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disturbances; relieved by lifelong oral zinc supplementation; autosomal recessive trait.
- papular a. of childhood SYN: Gianotti-Crosti syndrome.
- a. perstans SYN: pustulosis palmaris et plantaris.

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ac·ro·der·ma·ti·tis .ak--.dər--'tīt-əs n inflammation of the skin of the extremities

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ac·ro·der·ma·ti·tis (akro-durmə-tiґtis) [acro- + dermatitis] inflammation involving the skin of the extremities, especially the hands and feet.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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