- groove
- alveolobuccal g. the upper and lower half of the buccal vestibule on each side. SYN: alveolobuccal sulcus, gingivobuccal g., gingivobuccal sulcus.- alveololabial g. 1. the upper and lower half of the labial vestibule; 2. in the embryo, the g. formed by the deepening of the labial sulcus; its inner wall becomes incorporated with the alveolar process of the mandible or the maxilla, and its outer wall with the lips and cheeks. SYN: alveololabial sulcus, gingivolabial g., gingivolabial sulcus.- alveololingual g. 1. that part of the oral cavity proper, on each side of the frenulum linguae, between the tongue and the mandibular alveolar process or ridge; 2. in the embryo, the g. on each side between the lingual primordium and the alveolar elevations of the mandible. SYN: alveololingual sulcus, gingivolingual g., gingivolingual sulcus.- ampullary g. [TA] the g. on the external surface of the ampulla of each semicircular duct where the nerve enters the ampullary crest. SYN: sulcus ampullaris [TA], ampullary sulcus.- anteromedian g. 1. SYN: anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata. 2. SYN: anterior median fissure of spinal cord.- g. for arch of aorta a broad, deep sulcus arching superiorly over the hilus on the mediastinal surface of the left lung formed in the cadaver as a result of the aortic arch impressing or indenting the lung.- arterial grooves [TA] branching grooves on the interior surface of the cranial vault in which the meningeal arteries course, the most prominent of which are related to branches of the middle meningeal artery. SYN: sulci arteriosi [TA].- branchial g. an external embryonic g. between contiguous branchial arches. SEE ALSO: branchial clefts, under cleft.- carpal g. [TA] the concavity on the anterior surface of the arch formed by the carpal bones. SYN: sulcus carpi [TA], carpal canal (2).- cavernous g. [TA] the g. on the body of the sphenoid bone in which the internal carotid artery lies in its course through the cavernous sinus. SYN: sulcus caroticus [TA], carotid g., carotid sulcus.- costal g. [TA] a g. in the lower inner border of the rib, lodging the intercostal vessels and nerve. SYN: sulcus costae [TA], subcostal g..- g. of crus of helix [TA] a transverse fissure on the cranial surface of the auricle corresponding to the crus of the helix. SYN: sulcus cruris helicis [TA].- dental g. a transitory depression in the gingival surface of the embryonic jaw along the line of ingrowth of the dental lamina.- g. for the descending aorta a broad, deep, vertical sulcus immediately posterior to the hilus on the mediastinal surface of the cadaveric left lung, formed as a result of the descending aorta impressing or indenting the lung.- developmental grooves fine lines found in the enamel of a tooth that mark the junction of the lobes of the crown in its development. SYN: developmental lines.- ethmoidal g. [TA] a g. on the inner surface of each nasal bone, lodging the external nasal branch of the anterior ethmoid nerve. SYN: sulcus ethmoidalis [TA].- g. of first rib for subclavian artery [TA] a g. immediately posterior to the scalene tubercle on the upper surface of the first rib across which the subclavian artery passes. SYN: sulcus arteriae subclaviae costae primae [TA], sulcus costae arteriae subclaviae.- gingivobuccal g. SYN: alveolobuccal g..- greater palatine g. [TA] a g. on both the body of the maxilla and the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone; when the bones are articulated the grooves form the greater palatine canal. SYN: sulcus palatinus major [TA], pterygopalatine g., sulcus for greater palatine nerve, sulcus pterygopalatinus.- g. for greater petrosal nerve [TA] the g. on the anterior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone that lodges the greater petrosal nerve. SYN: sulcus nervi petrosi majoris [TA].- Harrison g. a deformity of the ribs which results from the pull of the diaphragm on ribs weakened by rickets or other softening of the bone.- g. for inferior petrosal sinus [TA] a g. lodging the inferior petrosal sinus, formed by union of similarly named grooves in the petrous part of the temporal bone and the basilar part of the occipital bone. SYN: sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris [TA], inferior petrosal g., inferior petrosal sulcus.- infraorbital g. [TA] a gradually deepening g. on the orbital surface of the maxilla, which leads to the infraorbital canal. SYN: sulcus infraorbitalis [TA].- intertubercular g. [TA] SYN: intertubercular sulcus.- lacrimal g. [TA] (2) the g. in the nasal surface of the maxilla which, together with the lacrimal bone, forms the fossa for the lacrimal sac. SYN: sulcus lacrimalis [TA].- laryngotracheal g. the depression in the floor of the caudal end of the pharynx, continued downward on the ventral wall of the foregut; from it are developed the lower part of the larynx and the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. SYN: tracheobronchial g..- lateral bicipital g. [TA] the g. along the lateral side of the arm separating the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. SYN: sulcus bicipitalis lateralis [TA], sulcus bicipitalis radialis.- g. of lesser petrosal nerve [TA] the g. on the anterior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone that accommodates the lesser petrosal nerve in its course to the otic ganglion. SYN: sulcus nervi petrosi minoris [TA].- linguogingival g. a g. separating the embryonic mandibular portion of the tongue from the remainder of the mandibular process.- g. of lung for subclavian artery a sulcus on the surface of the cadaveric lung just below the apex, corresponding to the course of the subclavian artery. SYN: sulcus subclavius.- major g. in a detailed analysis of DNA structure, there are two types of grooves that can be seen; the major g. has the nitrogen and oxygen atoms of the base pairs pointing inward toward the helical axis, while in the minor g., the nitrogen and oxygen atoms point outwards; important because the major g. is more dependent on base composition and may be the site for protein recognition of specific DNA sequences or regions.- malleolar g. [TA] a broad g. on the posterior surface of the medial malleolus, through which the tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle runs. SYN: sulcus malleolaris [TA], g. for tibialis posterior tendon, malleolar sulcus.- medial bicipital g. [TA] the g. along the medial side of the arm separating the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. SYN: sulcus bicipitalis medialis [TA], sulcus bicipitalis ulnaris.- middle meningeal artery g. a narrow g. on the inner table of the calvarium, seen on lateral radiographs as a thin dark line, which may be mistaken for a skull fracture. See sulci arteriosi, under sulcus.- g. for middle temporal artery [TA] a vertical g. located above the external acoustic meatus on the external surface of the squamous part of the temporal bone. SYN: sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae [TA], sulcus for middle temporal artery.- mylohyoid g. [TA] a g. on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible beginning at the lingula; it lodges the mylohyoid artery and nerve. SYN: sulcus mylohyoideus [TA], mylohyoid fossa.- nasopharyngeal g. an indistinct line marking the boundary between the nasal cavities and the nasopharynx.- neural g. the gutterlike g. formed in the midline of the embryo's dorsal surface by the progressive elevation of the lateral margins of the neural plate; the ultimate dorsal fusion of the margins results in the formation of the neural tube. SYN: medullary g..- obturator g. [TA] a deep g. on the inner surface of the superior ramus of the pubis. SYN: sulcus obturatorius [TA].- occipital g. [TA] a narrow g. medial to the mastoid notch of the temporal bone that lodges the occipital artery. SYN: sulcus arteriae occipitalis [TA], sulcus of occipital artery.- olfactory g. of nasal cavity [TA] the narrow g. in the nasal cavity above the agger nasi that leads from the atrium to the olfactory area. SYN: sulcus olfactorius cavi nasi [TA], olfactory sulcus of nasal cavity.- optic g. SYN: prechiasmatic sulcus.- palatine grooves [TA] a number of grooves on the lower surface of the palatine process of the maxilla in which the palatine vessels and nerves lie. SYN: sulci palatini [TA].- palatovaginal g. [TA] a furrow on the inferior aspect of the vaginal process of the sphenoid bone that is bridged below by the sphenoidal process of the palatine bone to form the palatovaginal canal. SYN: sulcus palatovaginalis [TA].- pharyngeal grooves embryonic endodermal or ectodermal grooves between successive pharyngeal arches.- g. for popliteus [TA] a g. on the lateral condyle of the femur between the epicondyle and the articular margin. Its anterior end gives origin to the popliteus muscle; its posterior end lodges the tendon of the muscle when the knee is fully flexed. SYN: sulcus popliteus [TA], popliteal g..- posterior auricular g. [TA] the sulcus between the antitragus and cauda helicis overlying the antitragicohelicine fissure. SYN: sulcus posterior auriculae [TA].- preauricular g. a g. on the pelvic surface of the ilium just lateral to the auricular surface; it is more pronounced in the female. SYN: paraglenoid g., paraglenoid sulcus, preauricular sulcus, sulcus paraglenoidalis.- primitive g. the median depression in the primitive streak flanked by the primitive ridges. SYN: primitive furrow.- g. of promontory of labyrinthine wall of tympanic cavity [TA] a narrow branched g. running vertically over the surface of the promontory in the middle ear, lodging the tympanic plexus. SYN: sulcus promontorii cavitatis tympanicae [TA], sulcus of promontory of tympanic cavity.- g. for pterygoid hamulus [TA] a g. at the base of the pterygoid hamulus that forms a pulley for the tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle. SYN: sulcus hamuli pterygoidei [TA], sulcus of pterygoid hamulus.- g. of pterygoid hamulus [TA] the notch or fissure between the tuberosity of the maxilla and the pterygoid hamulus of the sphenoid bone. SYN: hamular notch, pterygomaxillary notch.- pulmonary g. [TA] the deep recess on either side of the vertebral column formed by the posterior sweep of the curvature of the ribs. SYN: sulcus pulmonalis [TA], paravertebral gutter, pulmonary sulcus.- radial g. [TA] the shallow g. that passes around the shaft of the humerus; it lodges the radial nerve and deep brachial artery. SYN: sulcus nervi radialis [TA], g. for radial nerve, musculospiral g., spiral g..- retention g. one of the grooves forming opposing vertical constrictions in a tooth to aid in retention of a dental restoration.- Sibson g. a g. occasionally seen on the outer side of the thorax formed by the prominent lower border of the pectoralis major muscle.- g. for sigmoid sinus [TA] a broad g. in the posterior cranial fossa, first situated on the lateral portion of the occipital bone, then curving around the jugular process on to the mastoid portion of the temporal bone, and finally turning sharply on the posterior inferior angle of the parietal bone and becoming continuous with the transverse g.; it lodges the transverse sinus. SYN: sulcus sinus sigmoidei [TA], sigmoid fossa, sigmoid g., sigmoid sulcus.- g. for spinal nerve [TA] the laterally directed g. on the superior surface of the transverse processes of typical cervical vertebrae between the anterior and posterior tubercles along which the emerging spinal nerve passes. SYN: sulcus nervi spinalis [TA].- subclavian g. [TA] a g. on the inferior surface of the body of the clavicle to which is attached the subclavius muscle. SYN: sulcus musculi subclavii [TA], g. for subclavius, subclavian sulcus, sulcus subclavianus.- g. for subclavian vein [TA] a g. just anterior to the scalene tubercle of the first rib marking the course of the subclavian vein across the rib. SYN: sulcus venae subclaviae [TA].- g. for superior petrosal sinus [TA] a g. on the crest of the petrous portion of the temporal bone in which rests the superior petrosal sinus. SYN: sulcus sinus petrosi superioris [TA], superior petrosal sulcus.- g. for superior sagittal sinus the g. in the midline of the inner table of the calvaria lodging the superior sagittal sinus. SYN: sagittal g., sagittal sulcus, sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris, superior longitudinal sulcus.- g. for superior vena cava a g. on the surface of the cadaveric right lung, above the hilum, in which runs the superior vena cava. SYN: sulcus venae cavae cranialis.- supplemental g. a curvilinear depression normally found on each side of a triangular ridge (crista triangularis).- supra- acetabular g. [TA] a g., posterosuperior to the acetabulum, that is the attachment for the reflected head of the rectus femoris muscle. SYN: sulcus supraacetabularis [TA], supraacetabular sulcus.- g. for tendon of fibularis longus [TA] 1. the g. below the peroneal trochlea of the calcaneus; 2. the g. distal to the tuberosity of the cuboid bone. SYN: sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi [TA], g. for tendon of peroneus longus, sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi (1) .- g. for tendon of flexor hallucis longus [TA] a vertical sulcus on the posterior process of the talus continuous with another g. (of the same name) on the underside of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus. SYN: sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi [TA].- transverse anthelicine g. a deep g. on the cranial surface of the auricle separating the eminences of the triangular fossa and of the concha. SYN: sulcus anthelicis transversus.- g. for transverse sinus [TA] the g. on the inner surface of the occipital bone marking the course of the transverse sinus; the tentorium is attached to its margins. SYN: sulcus sinus transversi [TA], sulcus for transverse sinus.- g. for ulnar nerve [TA] a furrow on the posterior surface of the medial epicondyle of the humerus, lodging the ulnar nerve. SYN: sulcus nervi ulnaris [TA].- urethral g. the g. on the ventral surface of the embryonic penis which ultimately is closed to form the penile portion of the urethra.- venous grooves [TA] grooves occasionally found on the internal surface of the parietal bone, in which veins lie. SYN: sulci venosi [TA].- vertebral g. the depression bounded by the spinous processes and laminae of the vertebrae, in which lie the deep muscles of the back.- g. for vertebral artery [TA] the sulcus on the superior aspect of the posterior arch of the atlas that transmits the vertebral artery medially toward the foramen magnum. SYN: sulcus arteriae vertebralis [TA], sulcus for vertebral artery.- vomerine g. [TA] the g. on the anterior border of the vomer that receives the septal cartilage. SYN: sulcus vomeris [TA], sulcus vomeralis, vomeral g., vomeral sulcus.- vomerovaginal g. [TA] a sulcus on the inferior aspect of the vaginal process of the sphenoid bone that, together with ala of the vomer, forms the vomerovaginal canal. SYN: sulcus vomerovaginalis [TA].
* * *
groove 'grüv n a long narrow depression occurring naturally on the surface of an organism or an anatomical part* * *
(grv) a shallow linear depression; see also fissure and sulcus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.